Maggi diet

Eggs and grapefruit for the Maggi diet

The Maggi diet is very hard and effective, we have compiled a menu for a diet for 4 weeks in the tables, but it can be used every day. Only the most persistent women can put themselves on such a diet, but according to many, the result is worth it.

Looking like a queen is every woman's dream. But it's one thing to daydream on the couch and another to embark on a practice called the Maggi Diet after theoretical training. The nutrition program is named after the "Iron Lady, " not bouillon cubes.

The diet menu was specially put together on the eve of the general election, which Margaret Thatcher hoped to win, which she did. This legend was made up by journalists, or it happened, it's hard to say.

The essence of the diet

The Maggi diet, which the Prime Minister of Great Britain has been using to lose weight, can be used infrequently, at most once a year. Subject to all recommendations, anyone can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in 2 weeks. A low calorie diet menu is also called protein or egg.

Why was the chicken egg taken as the basis of nutrition? After all, this is an overgrown egg, from which a full-fledged living organism can develop, which contains all the components for it. With such a formation, the body receives a hundred calories, most of which are concentrated in the yolk, the intake of which depends on the cooking time.

It takes the body 2 hours to digest soft-boiled eggs and 3 hours for hard-boiled eggs. In addition, the Maggi diet includes foods that at the same time give satiety and allow you to lose weight.

Menu for 4 weeks

Maggi's diet program is based on citrus fruits and eggs. Their number can be any if there are no restrictions. Breakfast is an obligatory part of the program. It includes: citrus fruits, 2 hard-boiled eggs, coffee, tea.

The Maggi diet is designed for one month. The first two weeks are strictly regulated, the last two weeks consist of products that can be consumed in any order and in any quantity.

week 1

dinner dinner
a fruit tag (single component). The amount is arbitrary. meat dish.
2 Hen. One-component vegetable salad: carrot, cucumber or tomato, 2 hard-boiled eggs, citrus fruits, toast.
3 Toast, tomato and cheese. Meat.
4 One-component fruit tag in any quantity. Vegetable salad, meat dish.
5 Vegetables and 2 hard boiled eggs. Vegetable salad, citrus fruits, fish dish.
6 day of fruits. Vegetable salad and meat dish.
7 Chicken, Vegetables, Citrus Fruits. Vegetables.

week 2

dinner dinner
a salad, meat dish A vegetable salad, 2 eggs, citrus fruits.
2 Fresh vegetable salad, meat dish. 2 eggs, citrus.
3 Fresh vegetable salad, meat dish. 2 soft-boiled eggs, citrus.
4 Vegetables, 2 eggs, low-fat cheese. 2 eggs
5 Fish. 2 eggs.
6 Meat (any quantity), tomatoes, citrus fruits. Different fruits.
7 Chicken, Vegetables, Tomatoes, Citrus Fruits. Repeat lunch.

week 3

a day of fruits. fruit in any amount.
2 vegetable day.
3 Mixed day: fruit + vegetables.
4 Fish, boiled vegetables, fresh leaf salad, cabbage.
5 Meat and cooked vegetable dishes.
6 Unlimited fruit day.
7 Saturday menu repetition or fruit day.

week 4

a ¼ Chicken, Tuna, Cucumbers (4), Tomatoes (4), Citrus.
2 Meat, Cucumbers (4), Tomatoes (4), Toast, Fruit.
3 Cottage cheese or cheese (st. L. ), greens, cucumbers (2), tomatoes (2), citrus fruits.
4 ½ Chicken, Cucumber (1), Tomato (3), Toast, Citrus.
5 2 eggs, lettuce, tomatoes (3), citrus fruits.
6 Cottage cheese (125 g), chicken breasts (2), a glass of sour milk, tomatoes (2), cucumbers (2), toast, citrus.
7 Cottage cheese (tbsp), tuna, cooked vegetables, tomatoes (2), cucumbers (2), toast, citrus fruits.

If someone can not eat so many eggs in 4 weeks, he can confidently replace them with cottage cheese, or rather, instead of 2 eggs, eat 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese. Many who have experienced Maggi's protein menu themselves consider the curd variety to be a more benign option. Just do not forget that cottage cheese is a perishable product and, unlike eggs, you should always buy it fresh so as not to hurt yourself.

A group of people who lose weight with the Maggi diet give it only pluses, others rate its effectiveness as a weak one. In the first, centimeters and kilograms melt, appetite decreases, the volume of the stomach decreases, the saturation of the menu and its availability fall, as does the mass of vitamin products.

Those negative about the protein-nutrition program experienced severe gas, dizziness, constipation, stomach problems, nausea every 4 weeks, which may indicate health problems.

harm diet

All protein diets are taken by doctors with a negative attitude. They believe that with such a diet there is no guarantee that gastroenterological problems will not appear in the form of exacerbations of the pancreas, kidneys, liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some believe that the diet for the past two weeks has not been put together by nutritionists at all and may be unhealthy. The Maggi Diet was developed at the Mayo Clinic in 1979. Since then, many approaches to nutrition have changed, and the Mayo Clinic itself now offers other diet program options.

The Maggi diet is intended for those who are in ideal physical condition, which is not the case for people who are overweight. The gastric mucosa and the pancreas are severely affected by the diet that contains spices, fruit acids, indigestible fiber and proteins.

Those who are frequently constipated with the Maggi diet can worsen the condition. The downside of this diet is the excessive formation of gas products and bloating as a result. Nails, skin and hair can suffer from insufficient intake of fats and glucose.

Consultation with a doctor who knows your gastrointestinal problems is the right decision. Only a doctor will be able to objectively assess the capabilities of a particular organism before such a test for him, no matter how good the goals set may be.

Away from the Maggi diet

The conclusion should be done carefully, without overloading with fatty and sweet foods. The menu should be more varied, but gradually. During the week you can only afford 2-3 eggs. Leave the grapefruit for tomorrow, and their total amount must be reduced. A few teaspoons of honey will come in handy. For mood, you should add some sugar to coffee and tea. The amount of vegetables must not be reduced either. It is impossible to delay a protein diet for more than 4 weeks.

When adhering to a protein diet and after relying on yourself, listen up. Complaints may indicate that the Maggi diet is not right for you. Sport for fun and a balanced, healthy diet menu can be the solution. After all, everyone has the right to choose what is best for themselves.